n it's twilight time again..now that i've read and watched both of the movie n book, haih, i will say that the movie kinda dissapoint me..not that am saying the movie is mundane or something, it juz when u have read the book, u started expecting the plot to be exactly like the author's masterpiece but then again, it will definitely takes hours and hours if the producer wants to transform every bit of the book into a movie..yeah, the same goes for angels n demon, the book was darn worth reading it but i started comparing the plots in the movie with the book while watching it...ok, back to twilight, however, the plus point is that they got gorgeous casts, hehhe..bella n edward; they look stunning together; bella with her expressionless face and edward with his dashing style and when he flashed his white shining teeth smiling, uhhh, gals will definitely melt, hahha..but still, i gez tarabas (from the cave and the golden rose, or wats the title eh, lupa) is better suited to be a vampire, hhaha, drop dead handsome vampire...